Sunrise on the Pike River and Lake Michigan
Wolf's Vision
Nature Photography
The photos on this website are the property of Brian Wolf. No copying or saving is permitted.
Brian Wolf
Birches and Maple Leaves - Michigan UP

Whooping Cranes
Painted Lady on Cone Flower
Common Loon
Morning Fog on Island Lake
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Wolf's Vision Nature Photography  
Nature Photography Prints, Note Card Sets, Perpetual Calendars, Children's Books
Featuring the work of nature photographer Brian Wolf

Some fun/exciting photography trips coming up. 

 We are doing our annual fishing/loon photography trip to Northern MN in the near future.  Hopefully lighting, etc. cooperates!  Seemed to be fewer birds on the lake last year.  Fingers crossed!

After much public and political pressure, Theodore Roosevelt National Park has decided not to remove their iconic wild horse herds.  I am planning a long weekend to go hang out with them and photograph them again.  I keep saying it is my last time, but I am drawn to them like a magnet.

Not getting any younger, so a trip to Alaska is going to happen this year.  We will fly into Anchorage, head to Fairbanks for some northern lights photography, then to Denali National Park, followed by Seward for a couple days before back to Anchorage to find the moose around there.  We have also decided to travel to Katmai National Park and head to Brooks Falls - the iconic place where you see the bear catching the salmon as they jump up the waterfall.  Could be a tense walk to get out there as the first half mile is on a gravel path often shared with bears.  Sounds like we are almost gauranted to have a very close encounter on that walk.  Hopefully they are full of salmon.

My newest childrens book "Trillium Woods" is complete and selling well.  I will get it posted to this website in the very near future.

Under Recent Photos you will find pictures of Arizona.  Went for spring baseball training, but got plenty of pics of the surrounding area.  Also under Recent Photos are this spring's backyard bird photos.

There are several new notecard sets and  Christmas cards.

Interior decorators/designers if you don't see something you are looking for, email me I probably have it!

Enjoy the website!  Spend some time and look around.

Brian Wolf

Nature Photography Prints
Browse the galleries of Nature Photo Prints 
which are available as standard prints.
Nature and Scenery Gift Book
Nature and Scenery Greeting Cards
Nature and Scenery Gifts